We took off to Silver Lake a few weeks ago, a little too late in the evening since it was getting dusk about half way through the walk and the mosquitos came out!
It's a really nice walk, not too long and you can take a fishing pole and a packed lunch and it's a great way to get out of the heat in the city. The funniest part (of course I didn't have the camera rolling) is when Ethan decided to get up on the railing along the walkway and part of the landscape is wetland, so just as Doug said "you're going to fall................SPLASH! Ethan FELL IN; OMG! he was so startled, and he had bit his lip and of course was now muddy, wet and (minimally) hurt. TIME TO GO. I had to carry the wet/muddy sack of potatoes now crying all the rest of the way (luckily not more than 5 min). We couldn't help ourselves, we laughed all the way to the car.......
The picture of Callie and Ethan holding hands is sweet. I LOVE the picture of the lake reflection with the duck, clouds, and raindrops. WOW! Very impressive. I think that could win a prize in a photo contest!