Open heart surgery; three years ago today. Not that many people will have such an extraordinary milestone to acknowledge each year. We are humbled to think about what we we're dealing with exactly three years ago. We had spent an agonizing afternoon waiting for Ethan's "turn" into surgery; another baby who was in worse condition, took his spot that day as the first surgery, so it was a waiting game as to when Dr. Hawkins would be finished with that surgery so that he could move on to Ethan's. At almost 4pm on the nose; an anesthesiologist came out to give us the run down on all the possibilities that could go wrong while he was "on the table" and then it was kisses goodbye and watching Ethan, our five month old baby, travel through the doors into the surgical wing over the shoulder of a very sweet anesthesiologist.
I have always said I wanted to "tattoo" the Superman "S" over his scar; as he has earned superhero status to his family. Happy anniversary little boy, WE LOVE YOU!
I love the Superman tattoo. Ethan definitely deserves a huge Superman tattoo for all he has endured. May the Lord continue to keep him healthy and bless you as well! He is lucky to have such wonderful, loving parents.