Me and my GORGEOUS Sister, Brandi

Of course, the "bad dudes" got tatoos on the neck, cuz that's how they ROLL!

Bran, Me and Hop, showing off our art work, cept you can't really SEE IT!

Mcafee's tatoo

Callie's decoration

Uncle Mike branding Ethan!

Ethan's snake

My rose, same as Bran's

Some of the crowd... I kinda didn't "think" about taking the pictures til pretty late!
After Dolly's baptism, we went to the park for lunch and play time for the kids... it was really fun, we ended up sitting out there for about 3hours, the weather wasn't too hot, and it was just an enjoyable afternoon, my brother Mike showed up with these tatoo's and gave the little kids quite a good time, and a few of the "big kids", it's always fun when the family that I love, is together, (next time I need to remember that camera strapped to my chair a little sooner!)
You're looking like a hot babe this summer! Summer is the best, I especially LOVE Saturdays in the park! Have you ever gone to Copperton park? I love that park in the summer!