Ma and Zach getting the turkey ready

...J's FAMOUS gravy!!

Callie and Corbin; trying to wait for it all...Ethan, not waiting!

Zach and Melissa

Uncle J and Callie

Mom and J

Santa baby

Hopper, Zach and J

Looking at all the possibilities at Grandmommy's

J,me and Zach

...With Ma

Cool cody

telling Grandmommy what they want for Christmas

...And best of all, sitting with Granddad!!
We had a great Thanksgiving! I started the morning out going to "The Human Race" 5k, with Duch, which we mostly walked. It was a coooold morning, and we never really "warmed up" but it was sunny so that was nice, the only complaint was the working until midnight the night before, so I ran the day on fumes, literally!
The nice thing about dinner this year, was that it was small in number's, and as much as I LOVE my family, it was nice to have just Mom, Zach, Melissa, Jacob, us and 6 kids, and a partridge in a pear tree! Our family is now VERY BIG, and trying to cram everyone in the same place is tough; AND LOUD!
Zach cooked the most amazing turkey, of course my Mom's yummy stuffing, I brought the rolls (rhodes, they were SO GOOD) and my famous yam's, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce, of course my Mom made pies, she is a wonderful baker; amongst other amazing things she does, and she made pumpkin, bannana cream, and well, I can't remember the other....... SO GOOD.
We then went to Doug's parent's; where we just SAT, too full to do anything else! :)
When we got home, I was so exhausted, the kids and I put on our jammies, crawled into my bed, turned on Home Alone, and FELL ASLEEP!!
Awh, what a great Thanksgiving! We were hoping your dad would show down here. :( Oh well. Thanks for posting the pics of your Thanksgiving. Looks like a lot of fun :)
ReplyDeleteZach says "Who's famous stuffing? My famous stuffing. That is right!"