Callie's BEST FRIEND is Raja. Callie was born in June and Raja in November of 2002.
Raja's family have been great neighbors of ours, and the girls have "grown up" together. The other day her Dad and Mom pulled up and said "Do you have an extra girl with you"? and I said "yeah, they are over in that tree; playing SPY" her Dad said "Mm, Mm. I'll tell you what, SALT AND PEPPER"! Callie has really gotten picky about playing with "girls" and all the things "girls" do.
I am intrigued and delighted at the prospect of watching them become young ladies, Raja is much more "princess" and Callie more "shabby princess" (with a touch of soccer star) Raja gets very concerned about her shoes getting some mud on them, and my daughter is running THROUGH the mud! It's funny to watch.
She is a beautiful girl! Both of them are. I wish my girls had friends on the street!