
Tuesday, April 26, 2011


What a wonderful Easter we had! As usual, I didn't have any idea what we were doing as of Friday for Easter dinner... seems like that just isn't "the thing" anymore.

Levi text me on Friday asking if I knew what was going on for Sunday... nope. No one's even said a word about Easter. We decided to make our own and just move forward. Macy's had a pretty good deal that included the ham, salads, rolls, asparagus and angel food cake with strawberries.

I cooked, and we had it here. Turned out perfect. I got two more bar stools so all four kids would be at the bar, and we had just enough grown up, including my brother Jacob and my Mom, for everyone to have a seat at the table. Hopper was here too, but Coder had to work, so he came in the morning to go to church with us, which was so nice of him.

I love Easter. Even more than Christmas.

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