Spencer and Uncle J

My Hopper. 16 yrs old! He is SUPER handsome in this picture.

I let Ethan put the candles on the cake, you can sort of tell, but he put them on, took them out, put them on, took them out...it was a bit mangled by the time we ate it!

The birthday boy's with a boy who wants a birthday!

The newest addition to our family, Skye. It's great to have a baby around!

Callie just LOVES to play "Mommy" when Skye is around, it's cute to watch.

Two birthday boy's, two cakes. The chocolate was more of a hit!

..Of course Mcdreamy here get's to blow out the candle..He is on the countdown for HIS birthday!
November is a busy month for our family, the calendar no sooner turns November, and it starts......Annika, Spencer, Doug, Josh, Kyle, Cody, Mike and Miranda, and some years Mike's fall's on Thanksgiving! Whew....
December seems like a slow down with it's ONE HOLIDAY!!
Personally, I am not really excited for Christmas, I am already feeling the pressure that comes with this "spiritual" holiday, which has been ruined and mangled with the secular/commercial version. I could really do without the stress and expense of it this year, but I am determined to make it a meaningful holiday somehow, and hopefully my children will be ok with the "new and improved" version...somehow I doubt it!
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