Being lovingly carried to his final resting place

Majestic and proud

A name synonomous with service

The amazing John Keser, God be with you 'til we meet again.
The most poignent moments at the cemetary; for me, came from John's sight dog, Norman. This beautiful animal, who was his loyal friend and companion to the end, was quite obviously grieving.

Truly man's best friend.

He laid on the grass by the coffin for most of the graveside service

He watched

And he paced back and forth along side the coffin

He KNEW exactly where his master was.
John Keser is the kind of person you want to know, the kind of person you want TO BE. John always saw the good in people, never gave up, and pressed forward with tremendous faith. Always one to volunteer for ANY service needed, he was on a ladder, PAINTING my Mother's trim on her home just two months ago, she needed help, and he came to do just that. The speaker at his funeral said "John had lost his sight, but NEVER lost his vision"
John practiced what he preached. Lived what he taught, and loved those around him. It was said at his service that on occasion, when he would volunteer for something that was just not possible for him to do, he would meet that concern with "they'll find SOMETHING I can do to help".
My Mother loved him, and his wife Suzanne, and our family had been blessed, many times over by their love.
We will miss him, so very much.

Of course we took a few minutes to say hello to Papa, who also loved John, and I'm betting had been one of the first in line to welcome John home, I can only imagine the reunion THAT must have been.
Wow, very touching. Sounds like he was a great man! You really captured the dog's sadness and loneliness for John.