Hannah BEFORE her hair

The first activity was the Trunk-r-treat; the ONLY time I've attended this activity was in '04 when I was pregnant with Ethan. It was bitter outside and I could only stay for about an hour as I had to go back to work; which is where I've been for this activity for TEN YEARS. When we got there I was responsible for passing out the treats for the primary booth since I am in the Primary Presidency and I said to Doug "Do you want to take them trick or treating and I'll stay at the van"? he said "NO! I've done it for ten years....you go"
It was nice, in part because the weather was so nice, we all stayed and the kids trick or treated and I visited with my ward members; some of who said "it seems like you just dropped off the face of the earth"! I know, right? It has been SO nice to know that no matter what night it is; I can go/do or see with my family.
Here is what our Halloween looked like.
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