I have never posted anything "heavy" here, I have gratefully had nothing heavy to post, but two day's ago, I had an experience with Ethan that rattled me; and then I just "happened" on two blogs that further shook me.
On Monday we met our good friend McAfee at the pool, we affectionately call this "McAfee Monday" and it's a tradition that we all look forward to, since summer started we have gone to the pool and watched the kids and ate and soaked up the sun. We took a little friend of Callie's to the pool Monday, Raja and the kids were having a great time, I had them come over and have a corndog and drink, and then the girls we're ready to get back at it. I had taken off floaties so they could eat comfortably, and when they ran off, Ethan ran off behind them. I can tell you that I am ON TOP OF IT at the pool, my eyes are with them constantly, and if one gets away for a second I am up and looking, and it's usually one went down the slide, or ran through the tunnel and was seconds away from reappearing; I do not take it lightly when we go. I usually have a headache when we leave from darting eyes and concern.
When the girls ran into the pool, I was already behind the three of them, so it was never that I didn't know where he was, but as he got onto the steps I thought to myself "if he jumps off that step, he will not be able to come up on his own" and as soon as I thought it, he jumped; and now I am RUNNING. When I get to the steps, I can see that he is under and he is looking up with his arms flailing around and I am almost blocked by all the kids right in my way, and now I am pushing kids out of my way (which I am sure a few people thought I was a moron for a second) and I don't care, the look that I can clearly see on my Ethan's face is terror. My point here is that from the time he took off, to the time I reached him, was probably 20 seconds, 25ft approximately, and it was never that I didn't know where he was, I had the luxury of those seconds and knowing EXACTLY where he was, but it was only a matter of seconds that separate "ok" and drowning.
Ethan was scared speechless; he literally did not say a word, he clung to me and then would not return to the pool, he opted to stay by the picnic table and play with his trains. This was in itself a very creepy experience but as I checked a few friends blogs that evening, I somehow landed in two blogs of people who have lost little children to drownings, this summer, one just last Sunday morning in Las Vegas, the other in a spa that had only been at the home for 5 days.
Seconds. Not minutes. I was so deeply saddened by what I read on these blogs that I came home from work and got on my knees to first thank GOD for my own child/children and then to ask for peace and comfort on behalf of these other two families who did not get the benefit of precious seconds. Sure makes you think, and grateful.
I have added the names of the two blog spots I happened on, as I am very impressed and touched by the attitude and message that each has presented in the face of great grief and pain, and my heart just goes out to these parent's, in particular, these Mother's who have lost a piece of their very hearts and beings.
Please keep these families in your prayers.
Thanks for posting this experience. I know what a watchful parent you are. All of your kids are lucky to have someone who pays close attention to them.
ReplyDeleteI read the lady's blog from 'a daily scoop'. Wow! What a feast to read her spiritual thoughts. Thanks for sharing. I have yet to read the other blog listed.
I'm so glad that Ethan is alright. We go to the pool almost everyday when everyone is out of school and our summers start early here. Ever year they start ads about watching your children at the pool and not leaving them in the car in this heat. I'm not nearly as careful as I should be in our sparsely attended pool.