Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dish cloth bunny!

Faith in God, and her award for setting goals on her first night!
Callie had her first "Activity Day's" night. She was excited to go. For this week, she turned 8, will be baptized and had her first official 8yr activity... let the fun begin.
First of all, I NEVER said she could turn 8!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
when it's June 24th...

That means it's Dolly's birthday.

The day started with notes around the house..

..and balloons, of course. That's a tradition with our kids.

The GORGEOUS (if I do say so myself) little heart shaped cakes!

We started with dancing, the girls REALLY enjoyed Dance Party on the wii

The funky glasses I had them put on, some for fun, others for anominity!

The whole gang with their funky glasses!

The pizza line!

and then outside to eat and talk, talk, talk!!

Even the boy's had a GREAT time, surrounded by GIRLS!

The presents, all looking too pretty to disturb!!

The Doll and her MINIONS!

... pulling thier funniest faces!

Dolly opening a few of her presents... she had a good time entertaining...

Her brother Hopper, got her an ipod, she's been asking him to get her one for months.. he delivered!

.. More opening presents and reading cards...

... and lastly, Ethan was SO excited to give her our gift...

All the kids gathered around to start opening boxes and packages!!

Finally, it was time to eat those perfect little cakes that took me ALL DAY to do, and took them 2 minutes to eat; ah well, that's why I have a camera!!

... PACKAGING GALORE.. ALL OVER THE FLOOR!! (I just made that up!)

..The remnants of a very fun party

By 9pm, they were both POOPED... I spread out blankets on the floor...

And they ended the BIRTH-day watching Toy Story 2!
Cody also gave her a great gift, and I will add that later, unfortunately, Cody was already at work by the time she got home from school, so we drove her there so her could give them to her himself, she got quite a bit of fun things, and I believe she had a GREAT DAY.
She's such a pretty little doll, and I had a great deal of fun just watching...
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
My family

What a great opportunity to have everyone together on Sunday, at the last minute, we decided to have a picture of all the "big kids" (+ a Cody)
Six children. All grown now. The best of friends and their Mother. I can see the "little" versions of them all, as I am the eldest of the bunch, and I marvel at how great this bunch really is, and I am grateful for each of them.
Monday, June 7, 2010
For the love of Cody.
I was lucky enough to have my Cousin Melissa, her husband Andrew and their kids Brooke and Scott from Arizona join us!
McAfee and Brandi
Cute little Skye
Cousin Mike explaining to Brooke how you grow a "money tree".. She was totally fascinated!
A little bit of Cody's life, in pictures
Grandmommy and Granddad
Uncle Josh and Aunt Brandi!
McAfee and Sody!
Uncle Zach and Aunt Melissa
Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky
Uncle J
Cody and Grammie
Uncle Levi and Aunt Jamie
Mom, all six siblings and their spouses.. boy how we've grown!
Cody and Ashlee
Looking at the book with his families words of wisdom, this was a lot of fun to pass around and then read, Cody I think got a real kick out of it!
Annika and Skye
Cody posted on his Facebook wall that it was a perfect end to an awesome week! It was a terrific celebration for a fine young man indeed. What's up next for young Cody??... STAY TUNED!