Ethan's field day was yesterday, they had several activities that they all rotated through, croquet, bowling, ring toss, hot dog & icee, reptile and parachute, and they let some butterflies go that they had brought in as caterpillars, the kids loved that! The kids had a great time, and it would have been perfect if the sun would have stayed out more!
Ethan will "graduate" next Wednesday, then Kindergarten in August, the ONLY downside to Kindergarten is the shots he will have to get on June 1st! I am planning to have a REALLY GREAT Transformer with us that day!
All in all, Ethan's had a good year at Pre-school, this was new for him this year since he didn't get signed up in time to stay at Miss Becky's, and he has struggled on and off all year, I think his heart never left Parkin Place Preschool. It will be very interesting to see how he does with one more day, he hasn't exactly been hip on going from three day's to four, but we made it!
Ethan is my LAST child to be in pre-school, so it is very symbolic for me, time marches on, babies grow up, and Mom is one more year away from no kids home during the day!!... (part two)feels like it's been FOREVER since I had that with the boy's.
Ethan's a little Joy, a little tornado spinning around ALL the time, We just love our little "moppy top"