I had a wonderful Mother's day. Cody spoke in church about his Mother, and this is what he said:
"I am grateful for this opportunity to talk about Mother's, and not only my Mother, but all of our Mother's. We are all grateful for their patience and love and in all the many things that they teach us. I'm sure our Mother's spend many hours in prayer for our benefit and welfare.
I have a poem written by Carol D. Barnes titled "My Mother".
My Mother is an angel!
though it's strange, she lives on earth.
but I've known she was an angel
from the moment of my birth.
I know it when I hear her voice
so soft and oh, so sweet.
I know it from her gentle walk
like padded kitten feet.
I know it from her tender look.
that say's "I love you, dear"
I know it by the way I feel
whenever Mom is near.
Yes, my Mother is an angel
and she lives here day by day.
being such a great example
of what to do and what to say.
I'll tell you true, it's very hard
in her footsteps to tread;
but I'll keep right on trying
'til the day when I am dead.
Because my Mom's an angel
and she's filled my soul with love.
Each day I kneel in fervent prayer
in thanks to God above"
I know for a fact that my Mom can't sleep at night until she knows I am safe in bed. I can recall many times where I have been out late and when I get home, I find my Mom sitting on the couch looking at the front door so when I walk in she can tell me "goodnight" and she knows I'm okay. This is one of the countless acts of love she shows me and I am truly grateful for everything my WONDERFUL Mother does for me.
---Cody J. Webb
I was very proud, and excited that he had included something specific about me. I was happy that my own Mother, Cody's Grammie could be there, along with Doug's parent's to see this important step in his adulthood, his first talk in church about his Mother, on Mother's Day.
I love my children, and this was just one of those terrific rewards you're given as a Mother, when you glimpse the future and see a wonderful human happening.
It was truly joy, and anything else that happened was icing on the cake, but I was so lucky to have my other "big boy" give me a new pair of slip on tenny's, which have become my new love in footwear! Cody also gave me a pilates bar, with a DVD; two boy's who really "know" their Mother.
Doug took a ring I bought from Sundance and had the children's initials engraved on it, OMG. It was so perfect a Mother's ring for me. The picture is not great, but it's sterling silver so it was hard to not get the glare......
My whole family came over to honor my Mother, whom I adore, so it was a really great Mother's day for me!

Is he for real?! What a sweet son, you are lucky!