We got out the door about 8:30 Monday morning, and this was the Jeep by 11:30. We are very lucky it ka-boom'd right before an exit... Scipio. middle of nowhere.

This was a restaurant right after we arrived, I just thought it was pretty.

This was the front of the Luxor, where we stayed

I had no real fascination with this, but LOVED that I could take it across the full length of the pool with the longer lens my hubby bought for me!

I thought this was hilarious!.. Honey, load up the babies, were g'oin to SIN CITY!

This was through the sunroof, looking under a palm tree.

I'm not sure if he was doing something specific, but I thought it was an interesting subject.

Again, no real fascination, just lov'n how far away I can zoom!!

It was interesing how often you "felt" like you were on a city street, not inside a hotel shopping center.

The wind was so strong Tuesday that it shredded and then ripped the Beatles "Love" fabric off the marquee, I always thought these were lights, possibly changed by a computer.

It then blew the shredded pieces all over the strip! There were police offices out picking up the pieces and tying them to the palm trees.

Statue of Liberty made entirely of Jelly Belly jelly beans!

I really loved this statue, I can't remember which hotel this was at.

Aw, cute! We were just walking behind this guy, his little boy was loving the ride!

I didn't get a chance to really do something fun with this window, I needed to change lenses to get closer and...

This is where my lens dropped, hit the concrete and BROKE! I just about cried. If I hadn't been on the THE STRIP with a million other people, I would have...

There are so many good spots for pictures on the strip, but for some reason, I wanted a shot of this area....

OH YEAH! BARRY... that's why! (yes, I looked into going to his show, he was on hiatus) :(

One of my goals was to get an after dark shot with the shutter speed set to blur...

The Excalibur, after dark, two different F-stops, one if a bit darker than the other.

I couldn't remember what my Brother in law told me about taking pictures of the moon, but it was cool, and moving behind a cloud so fast that I didn't have time to try to figure it out; point, shoot, hope....

This is what Doug did, A LOT! He was so very patient to sit and wait through all my picture goals, I really wanted to apply some of the very limited knowledge I have, but I was happy that quite often, I was able to stop, think about it, and proceed to get what I wanted. I was proud of myself because I have really tried hard to learn and understand how to work the camera. Thank you honey for liking your phone just enough to keep yourself occupied while I dilly-dallied!! ** (Doug spent just as much time thinking out loud with me, and always saying "you do what you gotta do, baby")

Yes, it say's DRIVE THU I DO"... Doug said "wanna get married"? I said "no. You have my lifetime AND my eternity, I'd say I'm pretty married to ya! Anymore together and you'd be taping me to you"!!!
So, let's go over this. The Jeep broke down 2.5hrs into it, we ended up losing the entire day, then Tuesday, the sun came out for about 5min! went behind a cloud and NEVER came back out; then the wind kicked up and we got 65-70mi gusts, which just about knocked us over more than once, so we didn't see ONE MINUTE of pool time, did I mention THAT'S why Doug booked the trip in the first place? So, off to first drive a little, then walk some, then back to the hotel to drop stuff off, and head back out to get the much planned out pictures that I wanted, some at sundown, some after dark, where I then drop a lens and break it. We were so exhausted both nights that neither of us remembers going to sleep, and then Wednesday, the sun is shinning and we drive home, right into SNOW!
Thanks to Mom/Dad Seivert who came and brought us a car so we could continue on, and who had the little one's, it never ceases to amaze me how much they are willing to do, all the while, a smile on their faces, thanks so much.